Plancha cooking : How to cook fish.

Whether you grill it whole, filleted or skewered, fish is a key ingredient for plancha cooking. Variable temperature adjustment means you can achieve great barbecue results.
Although there are a few rules to follow with delicate fish flesh, once you have mastered these, you will never see red mullet stuck to the plate or a fish fillet crumbling into a mess. Below you’ll find our chef’s tips on how to perfectly cook fish with fatty flesh, firm flesh or fragile skin.
i > Before starting to cook, allow the plancha plate to reach the correct temperature before placing the fish on top of it. Always allow time for preheating.
i > After placing the fish onto the hot plate, wait until it lifts off by itself before turning it over, to avoid breaking the flesh.
Plancha grilling fatty fish
Temperature : 200 °C
Do not add any fat
Preheat your stainless steel plancha to a temperature of 200 °C. Place your fish directly on the plancha, skin side down for salmon, and do not add any fat. You can use a basting dome for the last couple of minutes for a perfect result.
Plancha grilling firm-fleshed fish
Temperature : 200 °C
Add oil and butter
Monkfish and tuna are firm-fleshed fish that require a little additional fat to cook them. On a plancha at 200 °C, grease the stainless steel by adding a mixture of grapeseed oil and butter. Place your fish on the melted fat.
Plancha grilling white fish and fish with fragile skin
Temperature : 150 °C
Grill on top of parchment paper
Add some olive oil
Red mullet and mackerel have very fragile skin making them as tricky to cook as “white” fish. To prevent the flesh from sticking and ending up in crumbs, place a piece of parchment paper directly on the plate of the plancha preheated to 150 °C. Grease the parchment paper with a drizzle of olive oil and place the fish on top. This trick creates a temporary non-stick layer.